Harley Puts Bandit On Cover of New Catalog
By Gerry Ashley


Some say it was only a matter of time. Others wonder why it took so long. But Harley Davidson knows that when you’ve got the goods, people will wait for it. And now the wait is over. The Official 2006 Guide To Harley-Davidson Motorclothes Apparel & Accessories has arrived! And there, on the back cover as if protecting it from theft (these catalogs are in short supply) is Bandit The Bikerdog!  

“Harley-Davison contacted me last fall and mentioned they were interested in having Bandit in the catalog,” says Mark Shaffer, Bandit’s caretaker. “I had no idea at the time that they were going to put him on the cover. So when the catalog arrived the other day, I was blown away!” So too will all of Bandit’s fans.  

“It never ceases to amaze me just how many great items Harley comes up with every year,” Shaffer added. “I’ve already got my eye on a whole bunch of items. And I’m sure Bandit has his eye on a few items as well.” 

If you haven’t already gotten your own catalog, you’d better hurry down to your local Harley-Davidson dealer to get your own copy. “It may be too late already,” Shaffer added. “I hear they’re going fast.”  Of course they are. Whenever you put a Supermodel on the cover, it usually becomes a collector’s item. Shaffer adds one caveat: “I don’t recommend stealing a catalog that isn’t yours. Bandit’s on guard duty and you don’t want to get on his bad-to-the-bone side.”